
BMP6002 Applied Research Method Level 7


On the basis of the job descriptions and advertisements of the structural engineering, it has been analysed that there are a variety of skills that are need for achieving all the targets and goals in structural engineering. A variety of factors include time management, leadership skills, verbal communication, negotiation, decision making skills etc. It is because for accomplishing the targets to achieve effectiveness in the filed of structural engineering, there are some factors that are required. Some well known examples of this can be considered as the leadership skills, time management etc.

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Qualitative data analysis have been used in which the information has been specified from the job specifications and advertisement taken in the research.


Q1. What are the most effective person specifications required for structural engineering?

Q2 What should be the professional qualities required?

Q3 What are the most appropriate qualities required in structural engineering?


Which of these skills important for your next position?

Skills Observed


Job Descriptions

Job Advertisement

Analytical skills


Change management skills


Creative thinking skills


Critical thinking skills


Decision making skills

Financial skills


Interpersonal skills( talking, listening,)




Leadership skills


Management skills








Problem Solving skills


Project Management

Relationship Building Skills




Time Management


Verbal communication


Written communication

Other, please specify:



Which of these skills important for your next position?

Skills Observed


Job Descriptions

Job Advertisement

Analytical skills

Change management skills


Creative thinking skills


Critical thinking skills


Decision making skills

Financial skills


Interpersonal skills( talking, listening,)



Leadership skills


Management skills








Problem Solving skills


Project Management

Relationship Building Skills




Time Management


Verbal communication

Written communication


Other, please specify:



Job Descriptions

The two job descriptions chosen have been presented as under on the basis of which the comparison will take place.

Job Advertisements

Leadership skills play a major role in the field of structural engineering because an efficient leader is capable enough of dealing with any type of conflict (Hoffman and Tadelis, 2018). As there can be various issues that occur while the constructing or manufacturing of the specific areas, such as between architects and engineers, there may occur some sort of mis understandings or issues. So, for resolving the issues, the involvement of an effective leader can help in making the whole process better because an appropriate leader knows that how to tackle different types of situations along with the employees as well.

Therefore, there is a higher requirement of efficient leadership skills to keep all the things managed and balanced enough. Appropriate time management skills also play a major and important role because completing the specific tasks and projects within a specific deadline leads to a well management of all the processes (Mackey, Doody and Fullen, 2016). If a single task gets delayed, then it somewhere throws an impact on the other tasks and processes as well, thus, minimizing the speed of other processes and tasks as well. So, it is important for a person in structural engineering to ensure the completion of all the tasks in the given deadline only. Creative thinking skills are also a must. Although in the second job description, it has not given much importance but these are required and are essential as well because while dealing with the architecture of some specific area or buildings etc., creative and innovative ideas can thus help in making it more effective and appropriate, thus throwing an attractive impression on the same.

Involvement of creative and innovative ideas can help in making the process of the architecture even more better and attractive. Interpersonal skills also play an important role because while working on sites etc., a person should be able to communicate with the others. It is because this is obvious that there may be various situations when the engineer or the staff members have to face issues regarding the site or the dimensions etc., so at that time, interacting with others in order to get it resolved. Also, interacting with people can also help in providing a relaxation of mind (Kurtz, Draper and Silverman, 2016). Therefore, it can be considered that interpersonal skills play a major and important role in the filed of structural engineering to cope with the different challenges and barriers. Financial skills are equally important in both the job descriptions and in advertisements because in the field of structure engineering, it is very important that the staff employed should be capable enough of making and analysing the required dimensions because various factors are dependent on the same to continue the processing. Therefore, accounting and finance are also considered as two important factors that are essential for the profile of structural engineering. In both the job descriptions, it has been observed that problem solving skills are essential because there might occur various situations when the engineers or architects have to undergo a range of factors that act troublesome, so for resolving those complications, a person should be capable enough of dealing with any sort of complexity and resolving the same with an efficient amount of options so that the issue can be resolved as soon as possible.

It is obvious that while taking the dimensions etc. for the construction of the site etc., it should be ensured that the employees should be capable enough of dealing with any sort of barrier or challenge so that the issues can be resolved as soon as possible and further factors can be taken in consideration as well. Also, decision making skills play a very important role in all the processes and operations of the structural engineering because there might occur some situation when the staff have to make some changes in the site and the changes can be major enough, then also, the employees should be capable enough of taking effective decisions as soon as possible. Also, the fact which is important is that the employees should not get confuse about the fact of making changes. Rather, they should act capable enough in coping with all the challenges and making modifications and improvements as soon as possible so that the processing of the operations and services can be done in an effective and appropriate manner (Dicke, Elling and Leutner, 2015). In both the job descriptions and job advertisements, project management is considered as an effective process because whether it is about any employee or staff member in structural engineering, they should be aware of the fact that how they can manage the whole project. This seems to be one of the effective factors which plays a very important role because if the project management will not be done properly, the internal processing can also get affected. Therefore, for maintaining a better balance between all the processes and operations, it is very important that all the processes of the project management are clear to them so that they can perform every single operation in an effective way, thus managing it in a way so that they can achieve all their goals and targets in an appropriate and efficient manner.

A proper planning also plays a very important role because if all the factors should be clear enough, then there might be a possibility for fewer complications and issues. If the employees involved in the structural engineering ensures the fact that every single process or operation is clear enough in the beginning only, then it throws a positive impact on the same. If things would not be clear enough, then there might be the possibility that it can further cause enormous complications and issues throwing a negative impact on the same (Chen and Rybak, 2017). Verbal and written communication also plays an important role because while dealing with a wide number of people in different processes of structural engineering, it is very important that the employees should be verbally active. It is because if they are facing some issues but they are not active verbally, so by this means, they can cooperate with the situation for not speaking the same to some authority. This can lead to a variety of complications. Therefore, it is very important that the staff and employees are verbally active enough so that they can speak whatever the issue is. By these means, they can be able enough to express their ideas as well as issues so that the things can stay clear enough and it will further implement a positive processing of the operations and services. Relationship building skills also play a very important role because while working in this industry of structural engineering, it is very important to make various contacts with the people because it helps in getting an idea of various places where there is a requirement of such processes and operations (Certo, 2018). Therefore, all the members involved in the operations of the structural engineering should ensure the fact that they have an efficient relationship building skills so that they can be able enough to make efficient and appropriate relationship with the others so that it can help them in getting a higher rate of popularity as well as productivity.

Comparison of the skills to the ones required

According to the job description and the advertisements for achieving all the targets and goals in the structural engineering, it has been analysed that there is a higher importance of the analytical skills but I think I am on the average of that. I cannot say that I am good enough or bad but I have average analytical skills. On the basis of the specifications found, there is a requirement of analytical skills, so I need to focus on ways so that I can also get quite better in it. In case of the change management skills, I am better enough as I think I am capable enough of changing some process that seems lacking in some factor or requires some change. In case of decision making skills as well, I think I am able enough to take proper decisions for any factor in which I think there has to make any modification or improvement etc. In critical thinking skills, I am still at an average status. On the basis of the advertisements and job specification, leadership skills play a major important role and I am perfect enough in my leadership skills as I have the capability to compete with any complication or factor and also, is able enough to achieve the targets and goals at a much faster rate (Silverman, Kurtz and Draper, 2016).

I can manage the processing of operations and services in an efficient way in any area of the structural engineering. In planning, I give myself a 3 because I think I am average in my planning skills. I have to make involvement of various factors that can help me in improving my capability to plan better and in a more appropriate way so that I can be able enough to take better decisions. In relationship building as well, I think I am on 3rd position because I somewhere lack in making interactions with the people. Although I do but sometimes, I am not able to do the same because of some factors. So, I need to work on my relationship building skills as well for making improvements in the ways of interacting with the people. In project management, I give myself a 2. According to the requirements specified on the job description and advertisement, project management is one of the important aspects which is to be implemented by the individuals.

It is because if the staff and employees will have a better project management, it can lead to a more efficient and clear vision of the factors. Although my project management skills are better enough but still I have to work quite hard on it so that I can get perfect in it. I am quite lacking in my time management skills as I think I should be on number 4 for that. It is because I lack somewhere in managing time in a proper way. On the basis of the requirement on the job specification and advertisement, time management skills play an important role because if all the tasks and projects will be completed on time and in the specific deadline, then it might help in managing a balance between all the operations and functions efficiently. If the processes gets delayed, it can make a delay in other processes as well. Therefore, it is important to complete the process in the given deadline only so that all the processes can stay managed and balanced enough. I need to ensure to make improvements in my time management skills so that I can be able to achieve the processes at a higher rate. In terms of verbal communication as well, I give myself a 4. So, I think there is an efficient need to make improvements in by verbal interaction rate so that I can be able enough to interact with people because interaction with the people in this field is very important because it helps in making contacts at much higher rate.

Contacts are very important in the field of structural engineering because these helps in gaining a higher rate of popularity as well as productivity. An increased rate of productivity is very important for the field of structural engineering because it can help in providing motivation and encouragement at a much higher extent. In terms of written communication as well, I think I am better enough because I am able to analyse all the factors in an efficient and appropriate way and then making an analysis of the same is important and I can perform it in a better way. I am not good at negotiation as well. So, in negotiation, I give myself number 4. There are various types of deals and factors in which we have to negotiate with the suppliers and buyers.

So, for that it is very important that I should know how to negotiate with them because it makes a difference. On the basis of the job description and advertisements, negotiation plays a very important role because while dealing with enormous number of operations and processes, it is very important that one should know various ways by which they can negotiate with the specific buyer or supplier. But as this skill is very important but I am not efficient enough in it, which means that I have to understand various ways and factors that can help me in making better negotiations so that I can be able enough to make efficient and appropriate deals with the same. I am also not good enough in problem solving skills , so I give myself a 4 for that. On the basis of the job advertisement and specification, it is very important that a person should be aware of ways and techniques that they can use for solving the issues and problems effectively. I am not efficient enough for dealing and coping with the issues and this is actually quite complicated because it leads to various other factors as well that can act as a challenge or barrier.

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Therefore, I should make involvement of various ways so that my problem solving skills can get better enough with time. This will help me in dealing and coping with various factors that can act as a barrier or challenge. So, it is very important that I can focus on ways for improving my problem solving skills so that the whole processing can get better enough. In critical thinking skills, I give myself a 3, which means an average. I am not good enough in critical thinking skills but as per the requirements on the job description and the advertisement, critical thinking skills play a major and important role. So, I might have to make involvement of various ways that can help me in making improvements in my critical thinking skills so that I can be able to perform better in every single aspect of the structural engineering. So, on comparing my skills with the ones that are required on the basis of the job description and advertisement, there have been some factors in which I am efficient enough but there are then some in which I am still lacking. So, in the ones where I still lack, some preventive measures can be included in order to perform a better role, thus achieving all the targets and goals.

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  • Certo, S. C., 2018. Supervision: Concepts and skill-building. McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Chen, M. W. and Rybak, C., 2017. Group leadership skills: Interpersonal process in group counseling and therapy. SAGE Publications.
  • Dicke, T., Elling, J. A. and Leutner, D., 2015. Reducing reality shock: The effects of classroom management skills training on beginning teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education. 48. pp.1-12.
  • Hoffman, M. and Tadelis, S., 2018. People Management Skills, Employee Attrition, and Manager Rewards: An Empirical Analysis (No. w24360). National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Kurtz, S., Draper, J. and Silverman, J., 2016. Teaching and learning communication skills in medicine. CRC press.
  • Mackey, L. M., Doody, C., and Fullen, B., 2016. Self-management skills in chronic disease management: what role does health literacy have?. Medical decision making. 36(6). pp.741-759.
  • Robertson, J., 2016. Coaching leadership: Building educational leadership capacity through partnership. New Zealand Council for Educational Research. PO Box 3237, Wellington 6140 New Zealand.
  • Silverman, J., Kurtz, S. and Draper, J., 2016. Teaching and learning communication skills in medicine. CRC Press.
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